Celebrating Ugly Pets

A picture post for ugly or dressed-up pets. If your pet is ugly and you are proud of it or if your pet just looks good in a costume, send me a picture at MundaneFotos@yahoo.com or post a picture to your blog and leave me a comment. Actually, not all the animals here are ugly. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." And the narratives are not always 100% accurate. Sometimes they're not 1% accurate, but I hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

No Pictures, Please!

Dog with sweatshirt on backwardsYou know what this dog is thinking.

"I'm so embarassed. They put this sweatshirt on backwards. Now how am I supposed to get anything out of these pockets? Please don't take my picture! If my friends see me like this I'll never live it down."

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